
I've spent a bit of time today observing your clientraw.txt and Belchertown 
web site. On thing I have noted is that your clientraw.txt only updates 
approximately every 1.5 to 2.5 minutes. This suggests that loop packets are 
not coming in very often and they arrive irregularly. This could be causing 
some odd effects, in particular with wind where there a couple of fields 
that are calculated as aggregates over one minute. It might be useful to 
see what loop packets you have coming in and what their contents are. To do 
this stop WeeWX and then run WeeWX directly 
<http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#Running_directly>. This will display 
loop packets (lines starting with LOOP:) and archive records (lines 
starting with REC:) on your console. If you like let WeeWX run for 15 
minutes or so and capture and post the screen out (as text).

Just hitting the issues you have noted so far:

clientraw.txt location. Can be controlled with the rtcr_path config items 
as per my previous post. Any luck with this?

day max/min outTemp times. As you posted earlier these time are now 
updating. Throughout today (9th) when I have looked at your clientraw.txt 
the max/min outTemp times have been correct. It is possible to have some 
discrepancies with these values when WeeWX is first started but I'm not 
sure that is what was happening here. I suggest we monitor this for the 
next couple of days, particularly for the rest of the day after a WeeWX 
restart. If the issue comes back I can give you an instrumented version of 
rtcr.py to give us more detail on exactly what is happening.   

dewpoint. Appears to be fine as far as I can tell, every time I have looked 
the dewpoint value in clientraw.txt has agreed with your station.

avg wind speed/wind gust speed discrepancies. I gather here you are looking 
at the Saratoga or Alternate dashboard? (is your Saratoga dashboard 
publicly accessible? If it is could we have the address or if you don't 
wish to make it public could you advise me via 'reply to author' or by 
email to gjroderick at gmail dot com. There is a wealth of debug 
information built into the dashboard). If I understand you correctly you 
originally had field 140 (max gust in last minute) as average speed on the 
dashboard but changed it to field 1 (average wind speed in last 60 
seconds). You also had field 1 (average wind speed in last 60 seconds) as 
gust speed on the dashboard but changed it to field 2 (current wind speed). 
If that is the case I am not surprised you were initially seeing average 
wind speed higher than the gust speed as the you had a gust speed field 
displaying as average and an average speed field displaying as gust speed. 
I would be sticking with the original values in ajaxWEEWXwx.js (circa lines 

//Wind gust
var gust = convertWind(clientraw[140]);
var maxgust = convertWind(clientraw[71]);
if (maxgust > 0.0 ) {
set_ajax_obs("ajaxmaxgust",maxgust.toFixed(1) + uomWind);
} else {

//Windspeed ...
var wind = convertWind(clientraw[2]);

or perhaps changing gust to field 133 (max gust last hour) given your 
rather long loop period.

rainrate. Sounds like that is now working, unfortunately I have not 
observed any rain on your site.

On Wednesday, 9 March 2022 at 07:50:22 UTC+10 stefanos...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Gary ...
> Time of min-max temp ...ok ... It wasnt the clientraw as you said but i 
> reinstall the weewx plugin for Sarratoga template and all good
> Now i have also  max rain/rate value correct  but i dont know about 
> rain/rate because it stop raining
> Wind values are mystery.... I edited the ajaxweewx js file and i put [1] 
> for avg_speed instead of [140] and [2] for gust_speed instead of [1]
> On Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 8:59:33 AM UTC+2 Stefanos Kalaitzis wrote:
>> Hi Gary ... Thanks !!
>> Also Time of min-max temp still not updated 
>> On Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 12:31:21 AM UTC+2 gjr80 wrote:
>>> > How do you find me...??
>>> That was not too difficult, your user name sounded very Greek so I 
>>> looked at the WeeWX user map <http://weewx.com/stations.html> and there 
>>> are not that many stations in Greece. I knew you were using SDR and there 
>>> are not that many SDR stations around. Finding clientraw.txt was the 
>>> clincher.
>>> > 1. I cant change path of clientrraw.txt (always is saved to 
>>> puplic_html and i want to public_html/WD) even if i edit the rtcr.py
>>> I still need to finish off documenting the WeeWX-Saratoga options. You 
>>> can change the location that clientraw.txt is saved using the rtcr_patth 
>>> setting under [WeewxSaratoga] [[RealtimeClientraw]] in weewx.conf, eg:
>>> [WeewxSaratoga]
>>>     ....
>>>     [[RealtimeClientraw]]
>>>         # Path to clientraw.txt. Can be an absolute or relative path. 
>>> Relative
>>>         # paths are relative to HTML_ROOT. Optional, default setting is 
>>> to use
>>>         # HTML_ROOT.
>>>         rtcr_path = /home/weewx/public_html 
>>> Until I finish documenting the options the best source of 
>>> RealtimeClientraw (the service that WeeWX-Saratoga uses to generate 
>>> clientraw.txt) is the comments at the top of rtcr.py. I don't recommend 
>>> editing the rtcr.py code to force things, it is far to easy to break 
>>> something else, it is a complex service.
>>> > 2. The dewpoint gets value 0 (i attached a screen shot  when i made 
>>> again the upgrade)
>>> I have a suspicion this could be related to the gaps I saw in some of 
>>> your plots, depending on your system dewpoint may be a calculated value 
>>> and if any of the prerequisites for its calculation are missing it will not 
>>> be calculated and clientraw.txt will then display it as 0.0.
>>> > 3. When i made a split with python to clientraw.txt to data[174] for 
>>> example i get 0 value
>>> It is possible there could be some corner cases that are causing a field 
>>> to be omitted when clientraw.txt is generated, I would like to think I have 
>>> hardened the code to prevent this but it is possible. If one field is 
>>> omitted that shuffles every later field along and they become out of place. 
>>> If you use a clientraw.txt parser like the one at Saratoga Weather 
>>> <https://saratoga-weather.org/wdparser.php> it is usually pretty 
>>> obvious where the omission is. We can work through this one now that you 
>>> have installed v4.5.1 and WeeWX-Saratoga.
>>> > 4. Sometimes not always the avg_speed gets bigger values than the 
>>> gust_speed.
>>> This should not happen, again can work through.
>>> > Probably when you saw my clientraw.txt that is correct was from the 
>>> weewx-wd and not from Saratoga
>>> No, was definitely from WeeWX-Saratoga, if you look at the end of the 
>>> file you will see something like:
>>> 102.9 16:37 06:52 68 !!WS0.3.3!!
>>> The 'WS0.3.3' indicates WeeWX-Saratoga v0.3.3, WeatherDisplay and 
>>> WeeWX-WD generated clientraw.txt files terminate differently.
>>> > Now that it is raining , i noticed that rain rate and max rain rate 
>>> have 0.0 value
>>> OK. I will work through this and the other issues you have raised.
>>> > That's all for now..... :p ......I hope that i didnt inconvenience you
>>> Not at all, it's can be difficult to write something like 
>>> RealtimeClientraw and cover all the corner cases so you have to rely on 
>>> people finding bugs.
>>> Gary

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