Hi Jérôme,

Overall this is very ambitious, and there is lots of stuff here to keep
us going for a couple of years - one thing I missed was a priority
associated with each functionality - I don't think it is reasonable to
get everything in the list done for the next release, so prioritising
will allow us to pick & choose the most important things to concentrate
on, in function of our planning.

It's a good list. As a higher level goal, I would like to find out what
we would need to do technically to be in a position to be proposed for
inclusion in KDE. We definitely need to make the wengophone more robust
on Linux, and interoperable with both GNOME and KDE desktops. We
probably need to make packaging easier - and KDE may have conventions
for their CMakefiles which OWBuild doesn't follow. I don't know all that
we would need to do yet - but it would be cool to have the Wengophone
2.2 included in KDE 4.

The rest of my comments are inline.


Jérôme WAGNER wrote:
> ## find a way to describe the community ##
>  either via the wiki (but this could be hard to maintain) or via an 
>  external community website. Ideas are around team, roles, studies, 
>  localisation, pictures

In addition, I would like to formalise the process for getting new
developers and contributors involved in the project. I would like people
to know what is involved in getting Subversion commit access, how to get
access to modify tickets in the trac, how to get a blog on
openwengo.org, how we can include the community in the governance of the
project, getting an openwengo.org email address, etc.

> ## restructuring the source tree ##
>  the source tree has lived a lot of evolution and need a deep cleaning

Will this involve removing modules from the source tree?

> ## split some subprojects into separate trac instances ##
>  these libraries, such as webcam, could have a separate Trac instance. If 
>  well done, this could improve re-use and modularization of the code

Is there a risk of having too many entry points into the project for
outsides with this?

> ## rebranding entry points ##
>  it is necessary to continue adding the good entry points to the build 
>  system to help and facilitate rebranding

I'm not sure I understand this - do you mean, make it easy for third
parties to provide a branding bundle which will remove the wengophone
and openwengo names, like Mozilla does?

> ## packaging ##
>  document and help packagers of the different distributions collaborate on 
>  their packaging scripts

Even more - I would like to make sure that the wengophone gets included
in all of the major community based distributions - Ubuntu, Debian,
Fedora, Mandrake Cooker, OpenSuse (I know that we're already in some of
those in the community repositories - I'd like to see us get into the
main repositories).

> 4. Usability
> ## better error handling and status information ##
>  a better and more uniform usability solution should be found for sso, IM 
>  connect, SIP connect, blocked contacts,..The audio status button seem 
>  inconsistant with the other status buttons

Amen. I have had some issues with sound, and the only error message
visible in the interface was a message bubble when I rolled over the
speaker that configures audio at the bottom of the window, which gave
"Audio configuration error". I am sure there was some more information
in the logs.

> ## better freedesktop knowledge and support ##
>  try as much as possible to follow freedesktop guidelines and participate 
>  in areas where we can provide input and support

Including possible collaboration with Telepathy on presence and IM. It
would be nice to have the same DBus API to Telepathy.

> ## integrate modifications proposed by Tristan ##
>  Tristan has proposed a set of usability modifications on 
>  http://dev.openwengo.com/trac/openwengo/trac.cgi/wiki/WengoPhoneNgUsability

In addition to the problem mentioned, there is another problem - if you
have several IM protocols specified for a user, then there is no way
when sending a message to specify whether to send via MSN, Jabber,
Yahoo... Ideally, there would be some logic which says if only one
protocol is usable (eg. the user only has one specified, or all of the
others are off-line) then start a message with that protocol (and give a
visual indicator of the protocol) otherwise, request that the user
choose how to send the message.

> 6. Interoperability

The most important interoperability issue is that all Wengo users should
be able to call any SIP account, and (as you mention) a Wengophone user
should be able to connect to another platform. Currently, when I try to
call someone on another SIP provider with the wengophone, there are

> ## SIP platform reference ##
>  try to develop a set of reference accounts on different SIP platforms that 
>  will be used for interoperability tests

Participating in the SIP forum and SIPit may be useful for interop as well.

Another item which would be nice would be the ability to use Jabber on
the platform to allow OpenWengo users to create conference calls and
invite their friends to join in.

> 8. Features
> ## IM chat history log ##
>  the ability to log in html files the log of IM conversations

Or plain text?

> 10. Ancillary applications & tools

> ## outlook contact list import / export ##
>  it is a way to import and export contact from outlook into the WengoPhone. 
>  It could be developed as an external application converting datas to and 
>  from the 2 database formats

Doing it via CSV is easiest.

> ## thunderbird plugin - shortcut to place calls ##
>  this thunderbird plugin can be installed in outlook to add a "place call" 
>  feature upon a right click on a number

Also import of LDIF addressbook files, in addition to Outlook.

> 14. Portability

> ## port glib to a WindowsCE target ##
>  glib is known to have problems to be ported to WindowsCe targets. We need 
>  to know more on that and try to do it since glib is a good C library that 
>  it could be nice to choose for our cross platform C developments

Perhaps people at GNOME are working on this already? what are the issues?

> ## Linux: improve audio settings selection ##
>  there seem to be many problems in the audio settings configuration panel 
>  under Linux. It is necessary to debug them

In fact, I'm not sure I understand why we have so many settings - is
there no way to auto-discover the setting of the machine and use the
same thing the rest of the applications are using?

> 16. Third-party

> ## get rid of openssl ##
>  the idea here would be to switch to another SSL library because it seems 
>  that lighter libraries exist with a direct GPL licence

While there may be technical reasons to avoid OpenSSL, I don't think
there are any licence issues.

Dave Neary
OpenWengo Community Development Manager
Wengophone-devel mailing list

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