
                 Summary: [object]s with duration=turn are not removed on the
first turn
                 Project: Battle for Wesnoth
            Submitted by: elvish_hunter
            Submitted on: lun 23 apr 2012 08:23:02 GMT
                Category: Bug
                Severity: 4 - Important
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: WML
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: trunk
        Operating System: All



After that support for [object] duration=turn was added, I noticed that a
perfect candidate for using it was the Stun ability from Dead Water and Under
the Burning Suns.
Attached to this report there are two patches that update the Stun ability to
use the new [object] duration=turn.
However, I noticed that, if a unit is stunned on the first turn of the
scenario, the [object] is not removed, and its effect continues to apply until
the start of the unit's side second turn.

To reproduce this:
- apply my patches
- start Dead Water, any difficult
- type :debug
- right-click, create a Merman Brawler at 34,20 (or anyway, adjacent to the
Skeleton with id=fiend)
- attack the Skeleton at 35,20 with the Tail attack, and hope that the RNG
helps you ;-)
- end the turn, and notice that the unit still keeps the stunning effects

This does not happen if the attack is delivered from second turn onwards, so
I'm suspecting that my patches trigger a bug in the C++ code. I'm marking the
bug as Important, as this feature, if working correctly, will be extremely
useful for several UMC stuff.


File Attachments:

Date: lun 23 apr 2012 08:23:02 GMT  Name: stun-DW.patch  Size: 5kB   By:

Date: lun 23 apr 2012 08:23:02 GMT  Name: stun-UtBS.patch  Size: 5kB   By:



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