I have written and tested Unix support in the WML preprocessor for two

%final.cfg:   if a directory named 'dir' contains a %final.cfg, then
              when processing the files in dir is invoked by the 
              construct {dir}, %final.cfg will be processed last.
              (The order in which the other files will be processed
              remains unspecified.)

%main.cfg:    if a directory named 'dir' contains a %main.cfg, then
              when processing the files in dir is invoked by the 
              construct {dir}, *only* %main.cfg will be processed
              automatically.  (It may of course include other files.)

If a directory has both a %main.cfg and a %final.cfg, the %final.cfg
will be ignored.

The reason for these extensions is to allow directories of .cfg
files to be self-contained packages.  Thus, a campaign named
"Battle for Fubar" need no longer consist of a Battle_for_Fubar.cfg
and Battle_for_Fubar subdirectory, but can now consist of the 
Battle_for_Fubar subdirectory containing a %main.cfg.

There are three issues with this, one cosmetic and two fundamental:

1. The cosmetic issue is that I chose these special names to sort
   to the beginning of ls listings.  Sadly, they don't.  Therefore the
   special names are likely to have to change.

2. I don't know what special names are acceptable under Windows and

3. get_files_in_dir() needs port patches to implement %main.cfg under
   Windows and Mac OS X.  As soon as I commit patches that use these
   features, *those ports are going to break*.

Note to the persons responsible for these ports: please make the small
patches needed to enable %main.cfg support under your OS.  Please
write it in terms of the symbol MAINCFG, because the name might change.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

Ideology, politics and journalism, which luxuriate in failure, are
impotent in the face of hope and joy.
        -- P. J. O'Rourke

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