Herold Heiko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >I think the most straightforward mapping would also be the 
> >most attractive:
> >
> >    ftp/site/dir/file
> >    http/site/dir/file
> >
> >Wget should certainly have an option to make it behave this 
> >way.  In fact,
> >I'd prefer it to behave that way by default, for the reasons 
> >you mention,
> >and introduce an option to leave off the protocol.
> I agree. What about https ?
> The files could be either in a separate https directory (logically more
> correct) or reside in the http directory in order to minimize
> ../../../../dir/dir/dir/something url rewriting (since I suppose those
> pages could share lots of inline pics and other links with the http
> structure). 

It's true that most servers don't have a different web root for the HTTP
content vs. the HTTPS content.  Yeah, https should probably go under "http"
by default, I guess with an option to separate them.  Otherwise on servers
that allow access to the whole site via either http or https (fairly common
when the https server doesn't have a different name, like secure.site.com),
you'd mirror the whole site twice.

> Speaking of https, I got exactly one report (in private mail) of
> successfully testing of the windows ssl enabled binary, nothing else.
> Could you commit the patch as
> http://www.mail-archive.com/wget@sunsite.dk/msg00142.html ?
> The changes in gen_sslfunc.c could be needed anyway for other operating
> systems (the are mirrored from similar code in sysdep.h and http.c,
> although I just noticed a inconditional include of time.h in
> ftpparse.c), while the changes in the VC makefile are as default
> commented out.

Yeah, there are several patches that have been submitted recently that look
fine but that none of the three folks with write-access to the repository
have had time to commit.  Hopefully one of the three of us will get to them

Dan Harkless            | To help prevent SPAM contamination,
GNU Wget co-maintainer  | please do not mention this email
http://sunsite.dk/wget/ | address in Usenet posts -- thank you.

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