Jan Prikryl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Quoting Dan Harkless ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I don't see why we would use an '_' instead of a ':' on the second version
> > (except on Windows if the ':' character is a no-no there).
> The colon is a relict of DOS path notation (C:\....) so it cannot
> appear in a filename.

Fine, but I'm not really up for obfuscating the URLs on UNIX just to make
DOS/Windows happy.  Already the Windows port has to deal with more
characters being non-allowed in filenames than on UNIX.  This is just
another one.

Dan Harkless            | To help prevent SPAM contamination,
GNU Wget co-maintainer  | please do not mention this email
http://sunsite.dk/wget/ | address in Usenet posts -- thank you.

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