Karl Eichwalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> And yes, to re-release a package on account of "late" translations
> is a good idea.  I'll answer later in detail.  But I don't think
> it's a good idea to separate all translations from the main package;

The strategy of re-releasing the whole package shares many of the
flaws with the "strings freeze" strategy.  Specifically, I would be
tempted to include bug fixes and string changes into such a
re-released package.

Unbundling translations has the additional benefit that people who
don't care about translations (*gasp*) never need to deal with them.

> I guess such a strategy would be an irritation for most involved
> parties at the moment (package maintainers/programmers, translators,
> users, and distribution packagers).

I really cannot understand how an additional TAR file would be an
irritation to *everyone*.  The programmers, the translators, and the
users would never even notice it!

The only persons who would have an additional burden are those who
compile Wget from source.  But even so, the burden is minimal --
instead of unpacking one TAR file, you unpack two TAR files.  And all
that *if* you care about translations.

Compare that to the current situation where all of Wget's translations
except the Croatian one are *guaranteed* to be incomplete!

Francois Pinard has dismissed my idea out of hand.  Sometimes I get
the feeling that the Translation Project is extremely closed to new
ideas.  Several years ago when I decided to not bundle gettext with
Wget, it was considered almost unthinkable.  Today it is becoming an
established practice.  Sometimes I wish the TP people would listen to
suggestions with a more attentive ear.

I'm looking forward to your detailed answer.

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