> I know! But that is intentionally left without index.html. It should 
> display content of the directory, and I want that wget mirror it 
> correctly.
> Similar situation is here:
> http://chemfan.pl.feedle.com/arch/chemfanftp/
> it is left intentionally without index.html so that people could download 
> these archives. 
Is something wrong with my browser?
This looks not like a simple directory listing, this file has formatting and
even a background image. http://chemfan.pl.feedle.com/arch/chemfanftp/ looks
the same as http://chemfan.pl.feedle.com/arch/chemfanftp/index.html in my
Mozilla and wget downloads it correctly.

> If wget put here index.html in the mirror of such site 
> then there will be no access to these files.
IMO, this is not correct. index.html will include the info the directory
listing contains at the point of download.
This works for me with znik.wbc.lublin.pl/Mineraly/Ftp/UpLoad/ as well -
what seemed to be  problem according to your other post.

> Well, if wget "has to" put index.html is such situations then wget is not 
> suitable for mirroring such sites, 
What exactly do you mean? It seems to work for me, e.g. index.html looks
like the apache-generated directory listing. When mirroring, index.html will
be re-written if/when it has changed on the server since the last mirroring.

> and I expect that problem to be 
> corrected in future wget versions.
You "expect"??


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