Mauro Tortonesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> oops, my fault. i was in a hurry and i misunderstood what
> Abdurrahman was asking. what i wanted to say is that we talked about
> supporting the same html file download mode of firefox, in which you
> save all the related files in a directory with the same name of the
> document you donwloaded. i think that would be nice. sorry for the
> misunderstanding.

No problem.  Once wget -r/-p is taught to parse links on the fly
instead of expecting to find them in fixed on-disk locations, writing
to MHT should be easy.  It seems to be a MIME-like format that builds
on the existing concept of "multipart/related" messages.

Instead of converting links to local files, we'd convert them to
identifiers (free-form strings) defined with content-id.

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