Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Make my src changes, create a "changeset"... And then I'm lost...
> Alright, so you can make your changes, and issue an "hg diff", and
> you've basically got what you used to do with svn.

That is not quite true, because with svn you could also do "svn
commit" to upload your changes on the global repository seen by
everyone.  It is my understanding that with the "distributed" VC's,
the moral equivalent of svn commit is only to be done by the
maintainer, by pulling ("cherry-picking") the patches of various
contributors.  To me that sounds: a) horribly error-prone if the
maintainer doesn't have access to firewalled checkouts of various
contributors (patches can and do misapply), and b) actually *more*
centralized than CVS/svn!

It is most likely the case that I simply didn't (yet) "get" the DVCS
way of doing things.

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