I agree with this. The tag isn't worth much to the Web if it's not interoperable among *all* Web browsers. That includes, unfortunately, Internet Explorer. That is why I think trying to pick a baseline format in the WhatWG is premature. Until the <video> element moves to the HTML WG and we find out what Microsoft's opinion is on this subject, I'm not really sure what the point is of this codec debate. Even if the browser vendors of the WhatWG all agreed to support Theora tomorrow, Mozilla + Opera + Safari constitute only 20% of total browser market share.

That percentage is not even remotely compelling enough for content authors to want to use the <video> element over proprietary alternatives like Flash.


 seems On Apr 3, 2007, at 9:50 PM, Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

Seriously, though, I think this group is concerned that having a
polished <video> interface isn't worth much in terms of
interoperability unless there is a baseline format.

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