On 11 Dec 2007, at 20:12, Manuel Amador (Rudd-O) wrote:

It was intended as meaning "recognized" in the sense of browsers
recognising them. No currently shipping browser recognises either Ogg
Vorbis or FLAC.

If I use EMBED on Konqueror pointing to an Ogg Vorbis file, I get a nice
player with streaming and everything.  Konqueror's shipping, isn't it?
There is at least *one* browser that already supports, through GStreamer, Ogg in <video> tags. I'd give you the link but it apparently fell off the end of Planet GNOME so I can't find it... Now hold on, it's not shipping, but that
doesn't mean it won't be shipping tomorrow.

What you actually wanted to say (but couldn't/didn't/were unwilling to) is:

"No currently shipping browser by any of the major proprietary software
vendors support Ogg Vorbis or FLAC".

Nor any of the minor ones, nor most open source ones.

Also, I assume through Konqueror relying on GStreamer that Konqueror doesn't support it itself (or through a required dependancy, which is needed to actually conform to such a clause that existed). WebKit trunk also supports Ogg in <video> if you have the needed QT component (which is supporting it as much as Konqueror supports it). Opera 9.5 beta has built in support for Ogg/etc. and supports nothing else.

There are still large questions about when Fx will support (which I assume from your later post is what you were referring to) <video> natively, though it may well be in Fx 3.0 in early '08.

It's just dollars.

Apple does not license Apple Lossless to anyone else AFAIK,

OK. So they sell fewer iPods because iPods don't play Ogg Vorbis without
Rockbox.  Same outcome.

Oh, look, they are already losing custom through not supporting WMA. It doesn't look like they particularly care about that, does it?

and the
only standards that MPEG-LA collects money for that Apple receives any
share of whatsoever is "MPEG-4 Systems" and IEEE 1394 (Firewire).
Neither of these have anything to do with audio/video codecs. Saying
that Apple has a financial interest in wanting MPEG codecs mandated in
HTML 5 is totally untrue.

I didn't say Apple wanted MPEG codecs mandated in HTML 5, so don't put words in my mouth or attempt to smoke-and-mirrors us with straw men. This is either a fumble on your part or an attempt to derail the discussion into

No, it is me trying to understand what you're meaning.

I said Apple doesn't want Ogg Vorbis because they don't control the tech, and because they would very much rather have consumers "prefer" (in the sense of being screwed with no choice) DRM-encumbered AAC (note it's not the codec,
but the controlling of the consumer that matters here).

AAC doesn't support DRM natively. It's a proprietary extension. iTunes has always ripped CDs by default into non-DRM-encumbered AAC (i.e., an open standard, and compatible with numerous players). Apple has never, anywhere where it has a choice, favoured DRM-encumbered standards.

Geoffrey Sneddon

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