Kornel Lesiński ha scritto:
On 09.01.2009, at 01:54, Calogero Alex Baldacchino wrote:

This is why I was thinking about somewhat "data-rdfa-about", "data-rdfa-property", "data-rdfa-content" and so on, so that, for the purposes of an RDFa processor working on top of HTML5 UAs

One can also use <link rel="alternate" href="description.rdf">. I don't see why RDF metadata must be in the HTML document. It could be in a separated file, maybe embedded in RSS/Atom feeds (RSS1.0 is pretty close already).

Websites that have a lot of useful data to share usually keep it in a database, and this allows them to easily generate RDF as separate documents without risk of getting out of sync with the HTML version.

In principle, I agree (also, Atom 1.0 embedding RDFa as dataRSS is the base of SearchMonkey). But if people feel the need to embed metadata in their documents and to use them as a distributed database, well, let's give them a chance to do so. :-P

eRDF might be a working compromise, because it doesn't need any changes to the spec; RDFa covers a wider range of RDF semantics, but requires new attributes and also namespaces (a sort of hybrid beteween them might avoid the need to bring namespaces - xmlns:* attributes - into html serialization). My suggestion was meant as a mean to test RDFa in HTML documents without changing the spec (perhaps in conjunction with data-xmlns-*, data-xmlns-prefixes="rdfa foaf <whatever>" to "emulate" namespaces - an ugly hack, I know, but at least would avoid changes to html serialization, at least in a test phase) -- even if I think that xml serialization should work better for such rdf metadata.

WBR, Alex

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