Re: [whatwg] behavior

Mon, 21 Sep 2009 03:25:57 -0700

On Sun, 20 Sep 2009 14:49:11 -0400, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:

On 9/18/09 6:35 PM, Michael A. Puls II wrote:
The reason I ask is that if existing web pages use multiple <object>'s
that load videos for example, that are initially set to display: none
and only shown later, then if browsers start fetching all these files as
soon as the page loads

They already have to do that, and will continue to, because the HTTP headers from the response are needed to determine how to handle the data.

Actually. I see more what you're saying now. But, I wasn't totally clear before.

See the attached.

In Opera and Safari, display: none acts like a defer for both <object> (one a text/html page, the other a flash page) where there's no network activity until you change the display from none. So, they don't do any determining until after you change the display. It's like a dead <object> at first.

Now, in IE and Firefox on the other hand, they do indeed request things right away like you say. I somehow missed that IE and Firefox did that.

I was concerned that making browsers (only Opera and Safari now) change that defer behavior would badly affect web pages. But, if IE and Firefox already make requests when the display is none, I guess it's O.K. for Safari and Opera to do so too. Although, I think I like Opera and Safari's behavior better.

At any rate, would definitely like to see browsers align on all this stuff.


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