Hello again to all the group whatwg.

I have a second proposal, which like the first, I do not know if it can be
useful for inclusion in HTML5.

This time, I want to speak to you of the virtual tours, used by museums,
clinics, libraries, hotels and a long list of websites.

So far, all the more powerful virtual tours I've seen, are made in Flash.
Usually, these tours are created with the following applications:
*Easypano Virtual Tour Software*, *3DVista*, *Flashificator*, *Autopano Tour
* and some others.

An example of Easypano virtual tour:

Other examples using 3DVista:

I've been reviewing whether some library is being developed to support the
creation of these applications on HTML5. I found a project called
Pannellum, which uses WebGL:
For now though it works properly on Chrome, but isn't powerful or
beautiful, as are the tours developed with Flash applications.

My proposal is to give more support to this type of works. We could create
a new tag called "tour" or something similar. If video and audio have own
tag, also a tour could be differentiated from the other elements of the

As I always say in my posts, I apologize if this has already been
discussed, or this isn't HTML5 philosophy.

A greeting, thanks and pardon for my english.

*Jesús Ruiz*

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