Yup, that's also my point of view :). Not many sites using panos, and the future is WebGL

Just wanted to help a little where I think have some knowledge in.

Let's see what Ian has to say about all this.


Am 31.08.2012, 14:05 Uhr, schrieb Odin Hørthe Omdal <odi...@opera.com>:

On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 11:55:31 +0200, Leo Willner <leo.will...@chello.at>
To throw in my 5 cents:
If tour is just needed for panos we could do a <pano>-tag, for that we need the distorted 360°-pano-image and do a rendering of it in the browser into a 360°-pano.

But it's *really* not needed. This is such a small use case, and is doable
already with canvas or other web features.

Advanced tours? WebGL.
Less advanced ones? Canvas, - or just images, css, transitions and

This is really something you can easily build with existing technologies.

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