Imagine a text layout GUI made with HTML. It would probably feature a font size 
selection control. There are different ways to do such a thing:

  <input type=number min=0 id=value><!--unit implied-->

  <input type=text id=value pattern="\d+([.,]\d+)? *(pts?|px|mm)\.?">

  <input type=number min=0 id=value>
  <input type=text id=unit pattern="(pt|px|mm)">

  <input type=number min=0 id=value>

There are, of course, more possible units and one might want to supply a 
‘datalist’ with suggested predefined values, e.g.

  <datalist id=TeXsizes11>
    <option value="6" label="tiny">
    <option value="8" label="script">
    <option value="9" label="note">
    <option value="10" label="small">
    <option value="11" label="normal">
    <option value="12" label="large">
    <option value="14" label="Large">
    <option value="17" label="LARGE">
    <option value="21" label="huge">
    <option value="25" label="Huge">

Most desktop word processor GUIs use something like option 2, by the way, some 
always expect points and hence only provide solution 1 or just a drop-down list 
of predefined values.

It’s not possible, however, at least as far as I know, to strongly associate 
the two controls in options 3 and 4 (i.e. for number and unit) with each other, 
so UAs could employ a native widget for typed values. When the user changes the 
unit, such a widget could either keep the numeric value or convert it 
accordingly. This is what I’d like to propose, but am not sure yet how.

Although it makes sense to store value and unit together and convert on demand, 
they are more often converted into a purely numeric format, which usually will 
result in rounding errors (e.g. all those A4 PDFs that claim a page size of 
close to but not exactly 210 mm × 297 mm) unless a very small base unit is 
chosen. For length units used with font sizes, this might be EMU, half-point, 
twentieth-point etc. – let’s assume EMUs with 12700 emu/pt and 36 emu/µm. Since 
TeX uses the classic pica point (0.166 in/pc) instead of the simple DTP point 
(12 pc/in) the above ‘datalist’ would look like this (if striving for 
unnecessary precision)

  <datalist id=TeXsizes11>
    <option value="75895.2" label="tiny">
    <option value="101193.6" label="script">
    <option value="113842.8" label="note">
    <option value="126492" label="small">
    <option value="138508.74" label="normal">
    <option value="151790.4" label="large">
    <option value="182148.48" label="Large">
    <option value="218578.176" label="LARGE">
    <option value="262293.8112" label="huge">
    <option value="314752.57344" label="Huge">

But how could the accompanied ‘input’ support multiple views (i.e. conversions) 
onto this unified representation, and without exposing it to the user? The 
first solution I came up with is a ‘units’ attribute as follows:

  <input type=number min=0 id=value list=TeXsizes11
         units="pt: 12700; px: 16933.33; mm: 36000">

The HTML4 fallback, however, would be horrible, because users would be exposed 
to EMU, which they absolutely must not be. Therefore one of the units would 
have to be selected as a default.

  <input type=number min=0 id=value list=TeXsizes11
         units="pt: 0.75; px: 1; mm: 2.126">

This could be done with a more verbose, but reusable ‘datalist’ instead:

  <input type=number min=0 id=value list=TeXsizes11 units=lengthunits>
  <datalist id=lengthunits>
    <option value="0.75" label="pt" title="point">
    <option value="1" label="px" title="pixel">
    <option value="2.126" label="mm" title="millimetre">

‘units’ could also be called ‘scale’.

If, however, we would prefer a variant with 2 form elements that may be joined 
(option 3, 4) instead of a single complex one (based on 2) as shown above, we’d 
need a way of associating them with each other.

  <input type=number min=0 id=value units=unit>
  <input type=text id=unit pattern="(pt|px|mm)">

  <input type=number min=0 id=value>
  <input type=text id=unit pattern="(pt|px|mm)" for=value>

  <data value="#value" unit="#unit">
    <input type=number min=0 id=value>
    <input type=text id=unit pattern="(pt|px|mm)">

  <data type="value unit"><!--indicate order-->
    <input type=number min=0 id=value>
    <input type=text id=unit pattern="(pt|px|mm)">

These lack a possibility to specify conversion factors. That might be achieved 

  <data type="value factor">
    <input type=number min=0 id=value>
    <select id=unit>
      <option value="0.75" label="pt">
      <option value="1" label="px">
      <option value="2.126" label="mm">

As I’m said, I’m not sure what’s the best solution, but HTML should have a 
typed numeric input element with conversion capabilities.

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