On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 8:33 AM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Aug 2014, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
> >
> > I'm working on the "resource hints" spec we've been discussing on
> > public-webperf...
> FYI, I'm currently working an a dependency system update to HTML which has
> the goals of:
>  - merging HTML import dependency management and ES6 module dependency
>    management infrastructure

Will this result in API that extends beyond import and ES6 module use
cases? For example, I want to have the building blocks that will allow me
to declare these dependencies on my own: "these two images before that
script, but after this stylesheet, oh and that stylesheet should have
higher priority than"... We can express all of this in HTTP/2, and I'd like
that to be surfaced to the developers as a first class API.

>  - defining preloading mechanisms for most HTML loading contexts
>  - defining a dependency system for HTML loading contexts, especially
>    style sheets, images, HTML imports, modules, and scripts

I'm looking at the gliffy, but having a hard time understanding how this
will work... It's murky to me how I'd declare a resource, specify its
priority relative to others, and/or add a dependency. Any other (more
complete) examples, by any chance? :)

>  - hooking most HTML loading contexts into the new Fetch API


> Assuming this works out as intended, it would completely subsume the
> resource hints proposal.

Hmm, not entirely.. I think. At a minimum, we still have preconnect and
speculative preload + prerender cases to consider.


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