On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

> > It's murky to me how I'd declare a resource, specify its priority
> > relative to others, and/or add a dependency. Any other (more complete)
> > examples, by any chance? :)
> All of that is out of scope of ES6 (and thus the gliffy), but is what I'm
> trying to design.
> I hope to be able to post more concrete proposals soon, it's currently
> blocked on my understanding how I should be integrating HTML with ES6.

Any bugs or threads that I can follow to track progress? I'd love to help
if I can.

>  > > Assuming this works out as intended, it would completely subsume the
> > > resource hints proposal.
> >
> > Hmm, not entirely.. I think. At a minimum, we still have preconnect and
> > speculative preload + prerender cases to consider.
> Do you mean the case of fetching a file before you've loaded the base HTML
> file, as in loading a landing page before the user has selected a search
> result on a search engine, for example?

Two high-level cases:
(a) optimizing load sequence of page that's currently being loaded
(b) optimizing page load of a (potential) future navigation

For (a), we need to expose "preconnect" and "preload", such that the
developer and/or server (e.g. CDN accelerator) can tell the browser which
hosts it should connect to, which resources it should load (+ with which
priority, order), etc. Also, note that "preload" separates download from
processing, which is an important feature - e.g. fetch CSS but don't
evaluate it.
For (b), we're talking about a speculative hint, hence we attach a
probability to the hint and let the UA decide if it has enough resources /
time / etc, to execute it, and how far it is willing to go with response

For more detailed use cases, check out Example 1-9:


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