On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
> Here's my original statement:
> "The expected results are an object that returns the original href, but
> empty values for all other properties.  I don't see this behavior in the
> spec: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#url-parsing";

Yes and as I explained the parsing algorithm either returns a URL or
failure. However, we're not directly observing the parsing algorithm,
we're using an API of sorts to observe it. The test suite is written
around the <a> element as that worked in most UAs. It could easily be
adjusted to work for new URL() and such too of course.

> If you could be so kind as to point out what I am missing, I would
> appreciate it.

The way the <a> element works, I assume. Which is mostly how URLUtils
works when associated with an object that is not URL.

>> Note that RFC 3491 is not a normative dependency for any of the
>> algorithms.
> RFC 3491 is a normative dependency for RFC 3490, Internationalizing Domain
> Names in Applications (IDNA).
> You said, "per IDNA those are ignored".

IDNA does not necessarily mean IDNA2003, though I think they might
match for this particular case. When I say IDNA I mean as defined in
the URL Standard and its normative dependencies.


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