1) Is the following expected to produce a parse error:

http://intertwingly.net/projects/pegurl/urltest-results/4b60e32190 ?

My reading of https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#relative-path-state is that step 3.1 indicates a parse error even though later step 1.5.1 replaces the non URL code point with a colon.

My proposed reference implementation does not indicate a parse error with these inputs, but I could easily add it.

2) Is the following expected to product a parse error:

http://intertwingly.net/projects/pegurl/urltest-results/bc6ea8bdf8 ?

I ask this because the error isn't defined here:

And the following only defines fatal errors (e.g. step 5);

My proposed reference implementation does indicate a parse error with these inputs, but this could easily be removed.

- Sam Ruby

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