On 1/23/07, Filippo Diotalevi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 1/22/07, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Our current Wicket release distribution consists of several zip files,
> one for each project. Each zip contains all the dependencies for that
> particular project, including the wicket dependencies. This means that
> when you download wicket-1.2.4.zip, wicket-spring-1.2.4.zip and
> wicket-spring-annot-1.2.4.zip, you will download wicket-1.2.4.jar 3
> times, wicket-spring-1.2.4 2 times and wicket-spring-annot-1.2.4.jar 1
> time.
>  - create one wicket-all zip with all wicket jars

I prefer the wicket-all approach, and I don't agree with the
observation that nearly all our users use Maven; in my experience,
it's just the opposite: really a few users use maven, and it'd be much
easier for them to have a single zip file.

I would say that I'm as much a user as anyone else (still using 1.2.2 @
work, shame on me :). But we only use wicket core and some selfcompiled
stuff projects. I don't see much idea in the all package because I wouldn't
use all of them or even half.

Now that I think of it I think it makes sense to have a maven based stripped
down source dist, but let the binary dist be without maven and including the
dependencies. What do you need the pom for in a binary dist?


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