don't know if that is weird (that the key is not there)
it can be completely valid.
What happens if i do this: = yyy

First i try to get xxx key?
Not there then i try to get xxx as a property
still not there the back to the map?

i still think that i can first check for the _expression_ as a property then if not found it is map value
(doesn't matter if the key isn't there or not)


On 10/28/05, Laurent PETIT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/28/05, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does Wicket also check for direct public property of the same name ?
> not yet, but that is easy to build.

That would be great.

> > Same remark concerning maps vs beans.
> >
> > If find it great if we don't know if the property is contained in the
> > Map or is a property of the Model.
> i am alos still in favor the current impl by just doing dots nothing more.
> The only thing is that for maps that are also a bean is a bit difficult.
> But i find that a bad idea anyway.(a map that is also a bean)

Yes, I agree, and for the following reason: the use case I thought of
was that, during refactoring, the model is first implemented using a
Map, and when it is needed to have an object instead (in order to do
some logic in the getter/setter, or for whatever reason), the Model is
replaced by an object.

And then only the creation/injection of the model has to change, not
all the references to getter/setter.

> > if the object is an instance of a Map:
> >    first try to interpret prop as a Map key

> that will never fails (if it is a setter) ( = yyy)
> So i think it must be the other way around.
> First try to do a setter and then if that fails use it as a map.

Yes it's true, I only thought of the get() part of the problem, shame on me.
But, as we are in the semantics of accessing an "existing" property,
what about doing a get() before the set.
And if the get() returns null, deduce that this is not a Map property
we want to bind to, and search javabean properties, then public
properties ?

This does not seem to weird to me, since the absence of the key would
be as bad as the absence of a getter in this use case ?

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