Btw, there has been some experimenting with client state saving for
Wicket. It seems like we could get that working. For issues like this,
it's the ultimate 'fix', though besides advantages there are of course
disadvantages, like the dependence on javascript, more bandwith use
and more processor utilization. It's probably not going to be released
soon though, as finalizing 1.2 has priority. But if we have more
people working on it (check out the branch and everyone is always free
to sumbit patches), we *could* have it in a couple of weeks.


On 4/29/06, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/29/06, Michael Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand that we have a javascript/cookie solution, but I don't
> like it.  If I don't need back button support, why can't wicket deal
> with multiple tabs/windows without javascript?  Each time a page
> containing a form is loaded, keep it in session as a separate object
> - even if the page is there more than once.  Then when the form is
> submitted, make updates to the correct object (which was found by the
> form action url).  Surely I'm missing something?

We need to know when we can ditch the pages too. In the strategy you
propose, we would ditch the second page in history - we always need to
keep one to have a path for callbacks (links and forms). This would
work exactly the same as doing getPageSettings().setMaxPageVersions(2)
in your application's init() function. But... the problem would stay
exactly the same as the the page you would need to the first tab/
window gets removed whenever you interact with the second tab/ window.
The problem is that without those page maps, Wicket doesn't see the
difference between requests comming from different windows. For
example: if you have tab A and tab B, and both have the same pagemap,
clicking a link on tab B, and then one on tab A is effectively the
same as clicking a link on tab A, pushing the back button and clicking
a link on tab A again. The only way to have this work is to increase
your maxPageVersions size (but that will also increase the size of
server memory you need for each session) or using different pagemaps.
Pagemaps were always meant for this, but what we recently did was to
build in automatic detection.


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