imho, html is the best layout manager out there for browser apps. add css to the mix and you have a great skin manager as well.

the one thing you always hear swing developers bitching about is how they have to fight the layout managers to get the results they want. gridbaglayout is poweful but its a huge pain to work with.

matisse+grouplayout are the holy grail for swing devels, its nice and easy to create layouts. but it still requires a gui to do this, while i can do html easily by hand. also browser screen space doesnt translate easily to the desktop space. in desktop space you are pixel aware, you are also pixel aware of your fonts and the south east corner of the window. in html you have none of these things.

look at wingS framework examples, they use layout managers. look how rectangular their examples look.


On 5/17/06, Frank Silbermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I, personally, don't care for HTML, and perhaps I might enjoy
programming in Echo2 better.

But suppose an employer maintained an HTML fragment with links to their
entire portfolio of web applications, and wanted this fragment to appear
on every page of each web application.  Since someone else is
maintaining that scrap and keeping it up-to-date, I would not want to
translate it into Echo 2 and maintain my own copy.

Would it not likely be easier to incorporate such an HTML scrap into a
Wicket application, versus one written in a framework such as Echo 2
that abstracted away the HTML completely?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Eelco
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Wicket-user] Google Web Toolkit integration ?

> It's certainly an intriguing idea (have a look at if you find
> it interesting), ...
Yeah. I see some advantages of using layout managers - basically the
same promise as Swing has - but currently I would still prefer using
HTML for layout. If I would like the GWT way of developing
applications, I would have choosen Echo 2 a long time ago. GWT looks
like a next gen Echo to me, though with a very big name behind it, and
some cool innovations. ... Eelco

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