usually what i do is make listeners on the page level/panel level (whatever your encapsulaion unit is) that various components trigger.

for example

Page.onUserSelected(User user) {}

then whatever is in charge of selecting users raises this event.

if it is encapsulated on the level of the panel i sometimes make these listeners abstract so i remember to implement them if they are required.

sometimes the simplest solutions are the best :)


On 8/21/06, Jan Willem Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm, in general, wondering what the "Wicket way" of inter-component
communication would be. Or even, if there is such a way of doing

For example, I've got a Tree, which should update a List according to
a clicked tree-node (viz. a simple webmail app). The click event of
the tree node should fire an event to update the list, which might on
its own another component, and so on.

How are other users of Wicket dealing with this? Do they create custom
controllers for this, which handle the events? Or, ...?



Jan Willem Janssen, M.Sc.
software engineer, Development

Planon B.V.
Wijchenseweg 8
6537 TL Nijmegen
P.O. Box 38074
6503 AB Nijmegen
The Netherlands
T:  +31 (0) 24 648 7662
F:  +31 (0) 24 642 2942

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