sounds to me like what you need is indirection

something like

IComponentFactory { Component newComponent(String id, IModel model); }

then you can configure these in whatever context (in your case spring) and
inject those into pages/panels/etc and let them create children.

this is essentially the same as osgi or anything else would work. a "named"
component factory is an osgi service/spring bean/plugin/whatever


On 7/25/07, Wander Grevink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just created my first wicket app: a simple JCR (jsr-170)
> browser/editor with a tree showing nodes on the left, a
> form for editing node properties on the right, and a menu with some
> actions (add, delete, save etc.) on top.
> All 100% Ajax, it just works!
> As a side note: I started from scratch (completely new to wicket), and it
> took me two weeks to learn wicket and build
> the application. Needless to say that I'm a definite a convert, thank you
> guys for creating this wonderful thing called
> wicket!
> Now for my question(s):
> What my shop actually needs is a customizable gui. We develop a core
> module and users can write plugins for it, think
> eclipse, firefox etc.
> I know of Pax Wicket which is an "An OSGification of the Wicket web
> framework". It sounds very interesting and reading
> the documentation it looks like exactly the thing we need. However
> creating a 'Pax Wicket' application is something very
> different from an ordinary Wicket app. I have the impression that 'going
> OSGi' is a decision comparable to 'going J2EE'
>   and should not be made overnight, but I might be wrong there.
> I would prefer a simpler way of going this. Therefore I did some
> experimenting and tried to inject a wicket Component (a
> Label) with wicket-spring, but found that injecting Wicket Components
> doesn't work. The proxy will try to access a
> protected method on Component and fail. My guess is that that is a Good
> Thing because you're not supposed to inject
> wicket Components this way, but I may be wrong there, am I? Is there
> another way?
> What I did manage with just base Wicket was a custom
> ModalWindow.PageCreator that dynamically loads a Page (using
> Class.forName) in it's createPage() method. That works, and because the
> class name is stored in the Model (it's a
> property of the selected node in the tree) I now have a 'dynamic' modal
> window whose implementation (java + markup)
> depends on the selected treenode and can be plugged in by adding a jar
> file to the project.
> However, extensibility 'just' through popup dialogs is not enough, and as
> far as I understand it is not possible to do
> the same trick for 'inline' (on the main Page) Components. Or is it?
> I guess that my question boils down to this: Am I on the right track or
> should I stop doing this and go to my boss and
> tell him that we should go OSGi (and Java 5 btw. currently we are strictly
> bound to jdk1.4)
> Regards
> Wander
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