> i don't really understand what you're talking about because i don't know
> your
> requirements.  but don't forget two things: 1) the primary unit of reuse in
> wicket is the panel and 2) you can put any component (such as a panel) in a
> completely self-contained jar because of packaged resources.  if you just
> want
> users to be able to add panels that work on entities exposed through an API
> maybe all you need is jarred panels.

Also, take a look at wicket.properties and IInitializer. Basically,
this is Wicket's mechanism for auto-discovery. When starting up, it
loads all instances of wicket.properties it can find it the (root of
the) classpath, and instantiates the IInitializer class that is
configured in it. That initializer can then for instance register the
components it has in case you would work with a central component
registry (sounds like this is something you might want to have). OSGi
can do even more for you, including automatic discovery at runtime (so
you drop in a jar and it should connect without even having to
restart... actually now that I think of it, we could poll for new
additions as well if we wanted) and it provides a much broader module
mechanism. Not an expert on this field though. Maybe on of the OSGi
experts on this list can throw in their opinion?

Btw, the system that I'm working on (and others on this list,
including Igor) works like a component system where business
components (can't think of a better name) provide their own panels for
end-users and tasks like administration/ configuration of the
components etc. It's all perfectly doable, but you gotta do some
upfront thinking :)


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