On 10/17/18 7:04 AM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
> My (very belated) thoughts on this issue:
> I say: let it produce> bad results, tell people why the results are bad, and
what they can do about it!
> -- daniel
My view is that there is a big problem with this for industrial use of Wikidata.

I would very much like to use Wikidata more in my company.  However, I view it
as my duty in my company to point out problems with the use of any technology.
  So whenever I talk about Wikidata I also have to talk about the problems I
see in the Wikidata ontology and how they will affect use of Wikidata in my

If Wikidata is going to have significant use in my company there needs to be
at least some indication that the problems in Wikidata are being addressed.  I
don't see that happening at the moment.

What is the biggest problem I see in Wikidata?  It is the poor organization of
the Wikidata ontology.  To fix the ontology, beyond doing point fixes, is
going to require some commitment from the Wikidata community.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Nuance Communications

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