Am 18.10.2018 um 19:05 schrieb Peter F. Patel-Schneider:
> On 10/17/18 7:04 AM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
>> My (very belated) thoughts on this issue:
> [...]
>> I say: let it produce> bad results, tell people why the results are bad, and
> what they can do about it!
> [...]
>> -- daniel
> My view is that there is a big problem with this for industrial use of 
> Wikidata.
> What is the biggest problem I see in Wikidata?  It is the poor organization of
> the Wikidata ontology.  To fix the ontology, beyond doing point fixes, is
> going to require some commitment from the Wikidata community.

I agree. And I think the best way to achieve this is to start using the ontology
as an ontology on wikimedia projects, and thus expose the fact that the ontology
is broken. This gives incentive to fix it, and examples as to what things should
be possible using that ontology (namely, some level of basic inference).

Daniel Kinzler
Principal Software Engineer, MediaWiki Platform
Wikimedia Foundation

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