Hi Thad,

Thanks for asking the questions, and thanks Tobi for the pointers. Man,
what a lengthy post it was.

I understand that the post answered most of your questions. I think that it
is entirely possible to layer a prototype semantics over Wikidata, just as
the DL semantics have been layered over it. I don't remember if such work
has been done before.

Regarding ISO 5964, I think I probably have looked through it at some
point, but I don't remember it anymore. SKOS has certainly been a stronger
influence, and obviously OWL.

I hope that helps with the historical deep dive :) Lydia and I really
should write that book!


On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 3:00 PM Thad Guidry <thadgui...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *Tobi - *That blog post 3 is very helpful.  It shows that Denny and I
> think alike and agree on everything. :-)  His dislike for strong
> classification.
> Which is part of my basis, to allow weak relations much more.  And use
> them.  But how to allow them, and I think the only way is through
> properties based on the Data Model currently.
> There are many ways, and SKOS is one way to allow expressing weak
> relations and we already have some good support with existing properties
> like P4390 mapping relation type <https://www.wikidata.org/entity/P4390>
> and a host of others.
> Denny and I also fear the same things, like not having a flexible enough
> system to describe our complex world that doesn't always fit into strict
> rules.  Which is kinda why I've always liked
> https://www.w3.org/TR/skos-primer/#secassociative
> because of it's non-transitivity which allows much flexibility and as he
> and I would say... avoid "Barbara". :-)
> Which is pretty much summarized in
> https://www.w3.org/TR/skos-primer/#secadvanced
> Sorry for all the SKOS links but semantic relations helps to describe
> human knowledge.  How a system represents or portrays semantic relations is
> where choices are made or have been made.  *And I think the right choices
> were definitely made.*
> Overlaying SKOS and the Wikidata properties that sprinkle it into the data
> model is useful, but I've always been kind of reluctant to do
> that...probably for the same reasons Denny might give?  Choices between
> allowing "semantic accuracy" versus "semantic flexibility".  But I think
> systems like SKOS provide both.  Perhaps it could be argued that OWL
> provides much less. :-)  Still all KOSs provide great use when they fit
> well.  How they can fit over Wikidata, as I said, is probably only through
> properties at this late stage of design and that's fine with me!
> Still, my main focus is and always will be trying to add human knowledge
> about concept relations into Wikidata to help machines, to help us.  (the
> "edges" that humans quickly can deduce in seconds, but still to this day
> can sometimes take machines days or weeks to figure out).
> My usage and help to Abstract Wikipedia and Wikidata later on will
> primarily be around the mapping of relations ... where a lot of the
> possibilities have already been described years and years ago at the very
> bottom of this long page:
> *inter-KOS mapping relationships  <-- *very last row, 3rd column
> https://www.w3.org/TR/skos-primer/#seccorrespondencesISO
> *Denny - * were you part of or lightly influenced by ISO 5964 through
> Germany ISO DIN or not .. that also would be good to know.
> Thad
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/thadguidry/
> https://calendly.com/thadguidry/
> On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 3:17 PM Tobi Gritschacher <
> tobias.gritschac...@wikimedia.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It would be nice to have a place to look with a link to a page in the
>>> Community portal that says "History of Wikidata's design and early
>>> collected meetings, notes, design documents, recordings"
>> Might not answer your concrete question, but here are some (very) early
>> blog posts by Denny. They are still a nice read. :)
>> 1/3
>> https://blog.wikimedia.de/2013/02/22/restricting-the-world/
>> 2/3
>> https://newwwblog.wikimedia.de/2013/06/04/on-truths-and-lies/
>> 3/3
>> https://blog.wikimedia.de/2013/09/12/a-categorical-imperative/
>> Cheers, Tobi
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