Just found this - might be a way to add ratings and/or promote the
"good stuff"

SezWho is a distributed context, rating and reputation system for
social media sites like blogs, forums, wikis, video/picture sharing
sites, discussion boards and anywhere else where people collaborate on
the web. SezWho is focused on delivering benefits to all stakeholders
in social media interactions
.. from the write-up http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/sezwho/ -
Wordpress blogger is considering adding this



On Jul 4, 9:50 pm, "Wayne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Apology for the tardy response -- but a few thoughts on your questions.
> > 1. Do you also believe that what our "quality standard(s)" should do
> > is encourage participation and wiki based OER skills development?
> Absolutely --- I think our quality approaches should encourage
> engagement, not dissuade WikiEducators from achieving quality. Good
> examples through the featured resource and feature reuse resource will
> motivate aspiring WikiEducators.
> > 2. Do you believe that the featured item approach will work to
> > encourage participation and deepen skills?
> I think good examples using the featured item approach will show what WE
> mean by quality and generate ideas for content authors. I don't  think
> that the featured item approach will necessarily deepen skills. However,
> through support from the community and relevant tutorials we will
> progressively build capability for all WikiEducator's.
> > 3. Are there other approaches / items we should consider in developing
> > a WE quality initiative?
> Yes I think we need to adopt a multi-faceted approach with different
> levels -- all of which should be optional, with corresponding levels of
> support. For example,
> Level 1:  might be nomination and evaluation as a featured resource
> based on the criteria our community develops.
> Level 2: Could be a peer reviewed system which is more traditional in
> the academic sense.
> I think we should start with suggested criteria for a featured resource
> -- and test these on some content examples in WE. We will need to think
> about processes, how we judge the quality etc.
> The issues of quality is going to become increasingly important over the
> next few months -- My sense is that getting this right will help our
> community grow, particularly when working with the "sceptics" who
> question open authoring approaches. Arguably, this is going to be one of
> our most important projects in WE and I hope we will get the
> participation from the community which it deserves :-).
> Cheers
> Wayne
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