I don't know if this is something new that is needed or something that
already exists.

What I would really like to do is "browse" or "graze" through
WikiEducator - like flipping through a magazine or a journal. I'm sure
there is lots of great stuff, but I have yet to find a good way to see
the broad spectrum and stumble upon stuff.

Search isn't the answer, because I don't know what I'm looking for but
I'll know it when I see it.

What would be even better would be some over layer / meta data layer -
sort of like social bookmarking but just for WE content (at least for
now). I would like to hop "sequentially" through all the WE content -
start anywhere - see the high level pages or a map that showed number
of links, child pages, last update, creation date, tags, categories.

I want to just scroll or click through the list in some orderly but
quick way - browse! Like scanning the Sunday New York Times. If I see
something of interest, I'd like to note and tag it against my criteria
-  my subject/ classification, remember to revisit,  and some general
site wide criteria - completeness, readability.

There are a couple of frustrations with WE now, as I see it. I'm not
aware of any good, quick way to see everything that is out there.
Finding the "good stuff" that is complete enough for consideration as
an OER or Learning object is way too hard.

There are also some general WE housekeeping issues - I know, I'm part
of the problem. Personal notes, brain dumps, kernels of future
projects or topics of interest, or worse - tried it and abandoned
pages. This is all interspersed with fine materials that really should
be seen and promoted, both within WE and the WE community and to a
global audience.

It would be nice if this were easy. I hope there are tools available
or forthcoming to address some of these needs. Some of us see
ourselves as noders and linkers - reviewing and classifying entries in
this great WE resource but lack the tools to be effective.

Are there tools available now? I did review the WE 3.0 page, but I
didn't come away with too much on questions like this - too process
oriented? Too far down the hierarchy of issues?  Are they part of the


On Oct 11, 4:01 pm, Wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> In a socially connected world it is more beneficial to have the right
> questions than the right answers to the wrong questions.
> I've been working on a WikiEducator 3.0 draft node. Please read through
> the summary provided on this page to familiarise yourself with our
> current context:
> http://wikieducator.org/WikiEducator:WikiEducator_3.0
> WE are inviting the community to help us in brainstorming a list of the
> "right" questions for the third phase of our strategic plan. Once we've
> generated a reasonable list of questions we will engage in discussion
> and reflection on whether we have listed the right questions -- before
> we attempt to answer them :-). These discussions will form the
> foundation of our operational plan for Phase 3 of our strategic plan.
> Cheers
> Wayne
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