Wow Chris! SuperUser is looking great! All MediaWiki too! Give this man a
job... he is at where I hope Wikied will be at some day...

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 1:08 PM, Chris Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There's also a tag and tag cloud extension, you can see it in use on my
> wiki on the mainpage
> If you look on the following page you can see down the bottom to "add tag"
> which is sort of the same as categories.
> Warm Regards
> Chris
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 7:05 AM, Brent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Categories are kind of like tags but categorizing something as
>> [[Category:Valierieslist]] probably isn't that helpful to anyone besides
>> Valerie :-) .. thats what the watchlist function is for. The De.licio.ustip 
>> is a good one, and as Leigh has suggested you can then embed the RSS
>> from any tag back into a page off of your user page say as a
>> way to keep track of pages you've "tagged/bookmarked" like this. It is also
>> worth exploring the a 
>> bit. There is functionality in there to limit recent changes to just
>> certain categories as well. I had been working somewhat on these as well:
>> but they still need quite a
>> bit of work/content to be useful.
>> brent.
>> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 8:34 AM, Leigh Blackall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>> Regarding Valerie's suggestion for a way to browse, and Maria's example
>>> of Flickr and tagging:
>>> Valarie - I agree, it would be nice, especially for when introducing the
>>> wiki to people.
>>> Maria - Welcome (nice to have another experienced social media user with
>>> us) good suggestions - I think the category feature in the wiki can be used
>>> as a kind of tagging system.
>>> When you come across a page that you think should be added to the browse
>>> list, simply click edit and type [[category:browselist]] or some other tag
>>> word.
>>> If it is useful to you for something else, add perhaps add
>>> [[category:valerieslist]].
>>> These category tags will be added as links to the bottom of the page.
>>> When you click those links, you'll be taken to an index page where all the
>>> tagged pages are listed in alphabetical order. Now, at the techtonic shift
>>> way back, I asked the tech madician behind Wikied if we could apply a tag
>>> cloud look to the category feature which would give us a clearer idea of
>>> what category tags where popular.
>>> An alternative way to achieve this is to use Use it to
>>> bookmark and tag a wikieducator page. Go to to view your
>>> list. When viewing your list, look for the RSS feed for that list. Take the
>>> URL for that RSS feed, and create a page on Wikieducator called "Browse
>>> List". Add that RSS feed to that page. After that RSS feed URL has had a few
>>> bits of wiki syntax added to it by me or anyone who knows how, then the page
>>> will display the list right there on the page. This method
>>> is a type of third party media embed and can be done for video and audio as
>>> well.
>>> Personally, I think both methods are good - but I have a preference for
>>> because it decentralises content a little. I am quite
>>> nervous about putting everything into the wiki and prefer to distribute
>>> across services as a type of backup plan - as well as broader range of
>>> digital literacy development.
>>> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 8:10 AM, Patricia Schlicht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>>> Dear Valerie,
>>>> Those are great thoughts, Valerie. Why don't you add them to the
>>>> Community Portal for WikiEducator under the appropriate to-do list.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Warm regards,
>>>> Patricia
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: [mailto:
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of valerie
>>>> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 8:14 AM
>>>> To: WikiEducator
>>>> Subject: [WikiEducator] Re: WIkiEducator 3.0 -- Asking the right
>>>> questions
>>>> I don't know if this is something new that is needed or something that
>>>> already exists.
>>>> What I would really like to do is "browse" or "graze" through
>>>> WikiEducator - like flipping through a magazine or a journal. I'm sure
>>>> there is lots of great stuff, but I have yet to find a good way to see
>>>> the broad spectrum and stumble upon stuff.
>>>> Search isn't the answer, because I don't know what I'm looking for but
>>>> I'll know it when I see it.
>>>> What would be even better would be some over layer / meta data layer -
>>>> sort of like social bookmarking but just for WE content (at least for
>>>> now). I would like to hop "sequentially" through all the WE content -
>>>> start anywhere - see the high level pages or a map that showed number
>>>> of links, child pages, last update, creation date, tags, categories.
>>>> I want to just scroll or click through the list in some orderly but
>>>> quick way - browse! Like scanning the Sunday New York Times. If I see
>>>> something of interest, I'd like to note and tag it against my criteria
>>>> -  my subject/ classification, remember to revisit,  and some general
>>>> site wide criteria - completeness, readability.
>>>> There are a couple of frustrations with WE now, as I see it. I'm not
>>>> aware of any good, quick way to see everything that is out there.
>>>> Finding the "good stuff" that is complete enough for consideration as
>>>> an OER or Learning object is way too hard.
>>>> There are also some general WE housekeeping issues - I know, I'm part
>>>> of the problem. Personal notes, brain dumps, kernels of future
>>>> projects or topics of interest, or worse - tried it and abandoned
>>>> pages. This is all interspersed with fine materials that really should
>>>> be seen and promoted, both within WE and the WE community and to a
>>>> global audience.
>>>> It would be nice if this were easy. I hope there are tools available
>>>> or forthcoming to address some of these needs. Some of us see
>>>> ourselves as noders and linkers - reviewing and classifying entries in
>>>> this great WE resource but lack the tools to be effective.
>>>> Are there tools available now? I did review the WE 3.0 page, but I
>>>> didn't come away with too much on questions like this - too process
>>>> oriented? Too far down the hierarchy of issues?  Are they part of the
>>>> plan?
>>>> ..Valerie
>>>> On Oct 11, 4:01 pm, Wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> > Hi everyone,
>>>> >
>>>> > In a socially connected world it is more beneficial to have the right
>>>> > questions than the right answers to the wrong questions.
>>>> >
>>>> > I've been working on a WikiEducator 3.0 draft node. Please read
>>>> through
>>>> > the summary provided on this page to familiarise yourself with our
>>>> > current context:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > WE are inviting the community to help us in brainstorming a list of
>>>> the
>>>> > "right" questions for the third phase of our strategic plan. Once
>>>> we've
>>>> > generated a reasonable list of questions we will engage in discussion
>>>> > and reflection on whether we have listed the right questions -- before
>>>> > we attempt to answer them :-). These discussions will form the
>>>> > foundation of our operational plan for Phase 3 of our strategic plan.
>>>> >
>>>> > Cheers
>>>> > Wayne
>>> --
>>> --
>>> Leigh Blackall
>>> +64(0)21736539
>>> skype - leigh_blackall
>>> SL - Leroy Goalpost
> >

Leigh Blackall
skype - leigh_blackall
SL - Leroy Goalpost

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