Hi Leigh

What problems are you having with OLPC? How were you using them?

I really want to love them, but I know they are not appropriate for
many situations. It would be helpful if there was better information
about where they are very beneficial, and where they aren't.

Big ads on US TV promoting the current Give One, Get One program that
is being offered through Amazon. After last year's G1G1 program, there
were lots of XOs available on ebay fetching +$300 US - I know, that's
how I got one. I'm afraid that the OLPCs are mis-represented. This
will ultimately hurt the program which does have great benefits in the
right circumstances.

Based on your experience, what are the questions that should be asked
to determine if the OLPC would be appropriate for a particular

On Nov 28, 5:20 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Regarding laptops..
> We have been using the OLPCs ($100 laptops) and I think they are not good.
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