again Leigh , I am doing what I can do ,

I am going to translate your post into Chinese and put it in  yeeyan website
agian ,

if you don't mind , would you please post here the whole article coz I canot
get access to your blog here in China
many thanks and you are always my inspirtation !!!

2008/12/1 Leigh Blackall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> link to my blog post:
> On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 5:22 PM, Leigh Blackall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> Hi Valerie,
>> Glad you asked, as I'm in the process of posting to my blog a text that
>> basically outlines my over all disappointment with them. I was guilty of
>> being charmed by their innovations, but that has always been from the
>> perspective of what the OLPC could offer computing generally, particularly
>> in wealthy economies. Clearly the OLPC sparked such things as the Asus Eee
>> PC and a new awareness of free software, but the innovations in the OLPC
>> will damage their effectiveness in poorer economies. Here's my text that I'm
>> about to post to the blog (links not in yet):
>> My experience with OLPC in Tuvalu.
>> In Tuvalu I experienced my first OLPC reality test. I've touched them
>> before, drooled over them at an expensive conference in Wellington while I
>> stuffed my face with atlantic salmon and caviar orderves one morning... but
>> up until now, I had never had the opportunity to see or use them in the
>> context they were designed for. What follows are my notes on such an
>> opportunity, using brand new OLPCs in a wiki training workshop for teachers
>> in Tuvalu.
>> The setting:
>> The workshops I've been running here are for the Tuvalu Ministry of
>> Education. They have me here for a Wikieducator initiative called Learning
>> for Content (L4C). Many primary and secondary teachers from around the
>> Islands of Tuvalu are here, as well as people from non government
>> organisations and service areas in Tuvalu. The organisers and I thought it
>> would be a good idea to run the session on the new OLPCs, and expose the
>> teachers to what was coming to their students.
>> We are working in a large room on the second floor of the Government
>> building, over looking the Funafuti atol. It is very hot in that room all
>> day, and I try to keep prime position in front of the only fan. There is a
>> wireless network set up froma main satellite connection and distributed
>> through a Linxis wireless router situated in the room with us. The OLPCs
>> were fresh out of the box and the IT person had only had the afternoon
>> before to familiarise herself with them.
>> The OLPC experience:
>> The first thing I noticed (but already knew about) was the radically
>> different operating system interface is. It doesn't look anything like any
>> Linux distribution I have used before and it certainly looks nothing like
>> any Windows or Mac OS. This operating system is out on its own again, a 4
>> th operating system if you will, and while I at first was mighty
>> impressed by it back in Wellington while eating caviar, I have serious
>> reservations about it here in Tuvalu...
>> The next thing I noticed was the browser. At first glance it looks a
>> little like Google's Chrome, but less than 3 clicks around you soon realise
>> that its not of course. I couldn't for the life of me work out how to get
>> new browser tabs happening, and I suspect that tabbed browsing is not
>> possible! The apparent absence of such an important browser feature had me
>> seeing doubts about the approaching workshop. If I couldn't even work out
>> the browser, let alone the operating system, how the hell was I going to run
>> a workshop for 40 odd people through it over the next 6 days?
>> Its funny, it only takes one perculiarity of a thing - compared to what
>> we're used to of course, and we start to look out for more and see only the
>> faults. I started to notice the differences a lot more from this point on,
>> not in terms of innovation - though on reflection I can see many aspects of
>> the software that could be seen as innovative, but more in terms of
>> usability and limitations to what we needed to be doing.
>> I couldn't work out how to save and recover files from a USB. Admittedly I
>> was by now very short on time and didn't look long or hard for it, but I was
>> continuously thrown off by new icons I hadn't seen before, trying to work
>> out what signified what and where, and how long a thing took to initiate,
>> how to quit a thing, or how to swap windows. As with most things that
>> require patience, I had to walk away from this one and get the classroom
>> ready for a workshop I was now dreading.
>> Soon we had somewhere near 20 people in the room for day 1. The nice
>> little charm of the OLPCs turning on started filling the room.. great,
>> everyone found the on button. The IT lady was running around connecting
>> everyone to the wireless network, but each computer was taking a dreadfully
>> long time to connect, often hanging once the access key was entered, or just
>> dropping the connection soon after it found it. I needed a projector to
>> demonstrate things in the workshop, but couldn't plug an OLPC into the
>> projector. The only other device on hand was a standard 17 inch laptop with
>> Windows Vista on it :(
>> I filled some time raving about the OLPCs and how much I was stoked to be
>> in a room full of them, and how they were the thing that inspired Asus and
>> others to start putting out great little things like the Asus Eee PC.
>> Eventually we had enough OLPCs connected to proceed, and we packed up the 3
>> or 4 that just didn't connect or misteriously turned themselves off after a
>> few seconds.
>> After I had giving a little show and tell on the projector it was now a
>> job of going around and showing each person how to find and start the OLPC
>> browser and bring up the wikieducator website.
>> I'd say about 1/3 of the group had used computers before, and all of those
>> people would have used a Windows operating system. While their intuition
>> seemed to get them at least as far as I had before the workshop, that
>> intuition wasn't any use beyond that point. We were into a case of the blind
>> leading the blind. No one worked out how to get tabbed browsing going, one
>> guy managed to get a Logitec wireless mouse working (highly recommended
>> btw!), and no one worked out how to save and recover files from a USB. Those
>> who had not used comuters much before were not at much of a disadvantage to
>> the rest of us. We were all using computers for the first time it seemed,
>> and so I couldn't rely on anyone to help others.
>> And here is my point. It would seem that the designers behind the OLPCs
>> have been so carried away with their design innovation that they lost sight
>> of something critical. That the people o the ground who are going to hand
>> out and help administer these things are likely people who have at least
>> some experience with computers. And like it or not, that experience will
>> have been based on a Windows or Linux operating system, and probably only in
>> as much as the graphic user interfaces would offer. While I can appreciate
>> innovation and have a high tollerance threshold for new ideas, the
>> differences between the OLPC and any other interface re so great that it
>> simply left me and anyone else who might have been able to assist feeling
>> useless and unable to help, and that will be the OLPCs undoing when they hit
>> the ground they were designed to be used on.
>> To be honest, I would sooner hand out $400 Asus Eees, just because they
>> don't need an instruction manual like the OLPCs do. EeePCs run on a
>> distribution of Linux too, but what the developers of their operating system
>> got right was that they understood how much they could rely on user
>> intuition, in fact i would say that this was a primary element in their
>> design brief. If you've never used a computer before, you'll be able to work
>> out the Asus EeePC. If you have used Windows, Mac or and Linux, you'll know
>> how to work out an Asus EeePC. What's more! If your first computer is an
>> Asus EeePC you will develop computing intuition useful for using Windows,
>> Mac or Linux (which you will inevitably use if your job involves computing
>> in some way, or you start inheriting second hand computers via the
>> electronic waste management centre.
>> The workshop still worked out OK. People got by on the OLPCs and
>> tollerated the frustrations of dropped connection, no right click options,
>> difficult touch pads, overly small scroll bars, and annoying uninformative
>> browser address bars. We got by, but not without a few complaints. We put up
>> with the limitations, and odd perculiarities that I certainly wouldn't call
>> innovations and were able to use the OLPCs for accessing and editing pages
>> on Wikieducator.
>> I am still mightily impressed with the obvious innovations in the OLPCs.
>> Things like keeping most of the hardware in the screen and so elevating the
>> main vulnerability out of splash zones of spilt drink. (A fan, cranking full
>> tilt around the room WILL sooner or later spill a half empty plastic cup of
>> water across the desk or floor). And I do actually like the keyboard
>> configuration, even without a forward delete key.
>> But I think it was a terrible mistake to go too far into new territory
>> with the operating system. There are clear advantages to leveraging from
>> experienced people's computing intuition, but the OLPCs have decided to go
>> way outside that relm and force everyone to learn a whole new metaphore,
>> essentually plonking a 4th operating system on the table. Yes there are
>> innovations in some of that software and interface design (for techno and
>> edu geeks), OLPC has shot themselves in the foot. The softare innovation
>> would have been better deployed on some other laptop project that wasn't so
>> reliant on mass take up, or wasn't concerned with things like relavence and
>> transferability of skills. The similarities between Windows, Linux and Apple
>> are close enough for an intuitive person to migrate between the 3. But the
>> OLPC is out on its own and too soon, so I think this is a terrible
>> mistake... I wonder if they'll work OK with Ubuntu or Asus Xandros on them?
>> Oh, and by the end of day 2, the heat and humidity seemed to have gotten
>> the better of at least one of the OLPCs.. its touch pad was lifting and
>> seemed to have freed itself from its adhesive. I can't imagine how they'll
>> be a few months from now, with the salty, humid air all around us... perhaps
>> OLPCs are designed to withstand that too?
>> Conclusion:
>> Dispite all that I've said here, I still love the OLPC - the ideas in it
>> at least. Like I said originally, back in 2005 - OLPCs have more to offer
>> people in the wealthy economies than they do in poorer ones. They have
>> forced computer designers to rethink their comodities and release cheap,
>> strong, portable and better designed computers at more accessible price
>> ranges. They have lead us to consider the savings possible through the use
>> of free software (at last). And they have indicated to us that it could be
>> possible to develop very cheap computers and so conceivable that everyone
>> have one (if we still think that to be advantagious). But from my experience
>> in Tuvalu, the OLPCs got the software wrong for their mission. The Asus
>> EeePC (arguably a result of the OLPC initiative) got it right, but ironicly
>> don't share the OLPC mission.
>> To the Tuvaluans I would suggest selling the OLPCs on eBay and fetch the
>> $300 you could get from collectors in the United States and Kingdom, then
>> use that money to buy Asus EeePC or similar. That is if you can't get
>> another operating system working on the OLPCs.
>> List of things wrong with OLPCs Operating System:
>>    1. The connectivity metaphore on start up is inappropriate for people
>>    in areas where connectivity is a long way away. The OLPC is more useful to
>>    people in Tuvalu as a device for games, media and typing before it is for
>>    connecting to the Internet, so the connectivity interface should not be 
>> the
>>    main focus at start up.
>>    1. That said, we were using wireless connectivity in the Government
>>    building, but the OLPCs holding that connection was flakey. We had no
>>    trouble keeping a connection to the network on the Windows machines, but 
>> the
>>    OLPCs kept dropping. Placing a Wireless modem in the room with us seemed 
>> to
>>    help the situation. Another problem relating to connectivity was the 
>> amount
>>    of time some of the OLPCs took to connect. Some didn't at all. All of them
>>    need clearer indication of progress in connecting.
>>    1. The pop up menu for the operating system is very frustrating and
>>    seems to be affected by processing. Sometimes it is slow to initiate and
>>    even slower to dissapear. I think its better to use the key on the 
>> keyboard
>>    instead, and turn off the mouse over feature.
>>    1. Need better preloaders for the software. When we clicked an icon
>>    the software takes a while to load. Sometimes the loader dialog that says
>>    "starting" would take too long to appear. The icon does appear in the pie
>>    chart indicating active applications, perhaps something in that graphic
>>    could more effectively illustrate it as loading.
>>    1. The browser must have tabbed browsing! If I missed where it was,
>>    then it is too hard to find. There was no right click option on any of the
>>    OLPC we were using, and I don't know if there is meant to be. If the 
>> tabbed
>>    browsing relies on a right click then we were thwarted. Also, I think the
>>    browser needs work on its layout and features. The address bar takes up 
>> too
>>    much room and for some unkown reason wants to display the page name 
>> instead
>>    of the URL. The URL is for more useful in terms of information, and having
>>    to click into the address bar just to check the URL is just silly. The
>>    scroll bars are too small, and especially noticable when managing a 
>> website
>>    with a scrolling window inside it, like the edit view of a wiki. We didn't
>>    try any ajax, java or flash - but I hope they are good to go!
>>    1. I couldn't work out how to manage files. I could download PDFs ok,
>>    but it was a bit of a fumble to display them, and I have no idea how to 
>> save
>>    them. I tried plugging in a USB but as far as I could tell, no new icon
>>    appeared offering me access, and nowhere in the browser of the PDF display
>>    could I find how to save the file to the USB.
>>    1. I wonder about the touch pad. I am used to using them and use the
>>    one on this Asus all the time, but seeing as the OLPCs are so ready to 
>> think
>>    outside the square, lets rethink the touch pad. If you didn't have the 
>> touch
>>    pad, you could have so much more room for keys! Apart from supplying a 
>> small
>>    mouse (which is infinately more easy to use) I wonder if the game
>>    controllers in the screen could substitute a mouse, as could smart use of
>>    the tab key. That little blue dial that IBM used in the middle of their
>>    keyboard had potential I thought.
>>    1. I reckon the operting systemm and software should completely
>>    change, and I'd suggest something like what Asus has done. I can certainly
>>    appreciate the innovations that I've found so far, but the extreme
>>    difference between the OLPC and other OS is too great, and will affect the
>>    usefulness of the laptops... think of it like Vista.. you are causing 
>> stress
>>    and lock in by being so different. The OLPC is not the place to experiment
>>    if your primary objective is to offer people in poorer econimies to access
>>    and exploit opportunities. Of course there is the new opportunity of
>>    servicing and adminstering the OLPCs themselves, but that's hardly
>>    sustainable and I hope it wasn't planned for!
>> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 7:40 AM, valerie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi Leigh
>>> What problems are you having with OLPC? How were you using them?
>>> I really want to love them, but I know they are not appropriate for
>>> many situations. It would be helpful if there was better information
>>> about where they are very beneficial, and where they aren't.
>>> Big ads on US TV promoting the current Give One, Get One program that
>>> is being offered through Amazon. After last year's G1G1 program, there
>>> were lots of XOs available on ebay fetching +$300 US - I know, that's
>>> how I got one. I'm afraid that the OLPCs are mis-represented. This
>>> will ultimately hurt the program which does have great benefits in the
>>> right circumstances.
>>> Based on your experience, what are the questions that should be asked
>>> to determine if the OLPC would be appropriate for a particular
>>> situation?
>>> On Nov 28, 5:20 pm, "Leigh Blackall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > Regarding laptops..
>>> >
>>> > We have been using the OLPCs ($100 laptops) and I think they are not
>>> good.
>>> >
>> --
>> --
>> Leigh Blackall
>> +64(0)21736539
>> skype - leigh_blackall
>> SL - Leroy Goalpost
> --
> --
> Leigh Blackall
> +64(0)21736539
> skype - leigh_blackall
> SL - Leroy Goalpost
> >

Leo Wong

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