This is sounding promising. I have been talking with colleagues about
the lack of adoption for open content and how this might be addressed.

As my personal preference is for  really big pages with lots of
sections - pulling off a summary section  and example section from
several pages and bundling them into a single "generated"  (? pseudo)
page would be wonderful. Takes me back to my programming days of
modular code. :o)

This will help me to be a bit more structured about pages too. Having
summaries, examples, case studies, references as section headings with
consistent meaningful names will make my documents better too.

This may be a bit advanced for some new wiki users, but it provides a
really nice way for someone with lots of wiki content to reuse what
they have in place.  Without having to duplicate/replicate material, I
can provide multiple context specific subsets for other distributions
by mixing and matching sections from any number of documents.

How are others planning to use this functionality?


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