Hi everyone,

As founder of the WikiEducator initiative --- just a quick note to say that
you're helping our community achieve another major milestone! You're
participating in the largest L4C online workshop in the history of WE, with
280 people signing up for this workshop.  We're also on the verge of 10,000
registered users! Three years ago -- there was one registered user.

I held the previous record of faciliting a workshop with 170 registered
participants and I am pretty chuffed that Nellie, Gitta, Gladys, Benjamin,
and Rima now hold the new record :-).  Well done!!!!

What an amazing team of facilitators spread across the international time
zones of Mexico, Israel, Yemen/Saudi Arabia and India -- literally 24/7
support!  This is team work. More importantly each of our amazing facilitors
are graduates of previous L4C workshops demonstrating the potential of our
open wiki model to scale!

This team of facilitators have taken L4C workshops to a new level! I'm
amazed to see the innovations and improvements in using the wiki technology
to support learning when compared to our rather conventional teaching
approaches early in the project. From my desk a BIG thank you to the team in
pioneering new wiki teaching approaches.

I must concede that WikiEducator has been the most rewarding project of my
professional career. My faith in education has been restored seeing so many
educators from around the world committed to developing educational
materials which we can share and reuse :-).  Its interesting -- I've yet to
meet Nellie, Gitta, Benjamin,  Rima or Gitta face-to-face -- yet they are
now close professional freinds --- along with so many WikiEducators around
the world.

WikiEducator has now embarked on a new phase of development to scale up our
work beyond Commonwealth countries. I hope that you'll help us in spreading
the word among colleagues and friends to join us in turning the promise of
OER into today's reality.

Welcome to the WikiEducator family!


Wayne Mackintosh, Ph.D.
International Centre for Open Education,
Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
Board of Directors, OER Foundation.
Founder and Community Council Member, Wikieducator, www.wikieducator.org
Mobile +64 21 2436 380
Skype: WGMNZ1
Twitter: OERFoundation, Mackiwg

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