
Congratulations!!! You're community kudos is well deserved.

Your work on the Bangladesh node in WikiEducator is nothing short of
inspirational and is a testament to your dedication in moving open education
forward in your country.

Well done!


2009/11/2 Peter <prawstho...@gmail.com>

> During a recent discussion (six weeks back) the UPE team was reviewing
> candidates for the coming award. Abdul Halim was suggested as one of
> the candidates for the November UPE. I took the time to review his
> user page and was most impressed. I greatly appreciate his use of
> colors, fonts and graphics, I found myself drawn into who Abdul Halim
> is and all the wonderful work he does. I found his interest in
> community radio inspiring as I know how effective a medium it can be
> at a community level. It is with great pleasure that I announce Abdul
> Halim as the November UPE.
> Congratulations, Abdul Halim!!!
> http://www.wikieducator.org/User:M._A._Halim
> >

Wayne Mackintosh, Ph.D.
International Centre for Open Education,
Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand.
Board of Directors, OER Foundation.
Founder and Community Council Member, Wikieducator, www.wikieducator.org
Mobile +64 21 2436 380
Skype: WGMNZ1
Twitter: OERFoundation, Mackiwg

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