Edward wrote:

> Only if you are willfully ignorant, as I propose to demonstrate
> to you that you are.

Very few people would be inclined to continue a conversation with
someone so obnoxious, and frankly, I'm not one of them.

The irony here is that I'm not a climate change skeptic.  I'm an
intelligent layperson who simply doesn't know who to believe.  When I
said I could stand to learn more, amazingly, I actually meant it.
It's the "agree with me or you're a Nazi" approach that I won't
accept, not at all the actual position that happens to be underneath
it in this particular instance.

For what it's worth, I'm still interested to learn more.  But I'll do
it from someone with a talent for communicating about science, not
from someone who responds to honest inquiry with arrogance and


Stephen H. Foerster

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