> On 29/12/2008, Brian <brian.min...@colorado.edu> wrote:
>> So why are you wasting the ISPs time and the police's time when the best of
>> the passive technology routes have not been explored? Using machine learning
>> *you pit the vandals against themselves.  *Every time they perform a
>> particular kind of vandalism, it can never be performed again because the
>> bot will recognize it.

on 12/31/08 1:15 PM, Ian Woollard at ian.wooll...@gmail.com wrote:
> There's an infinite number of ways to vandalise the wikipedia, and, in
> practice, not all forms of vandalism can be detected by any known
> design of bot, or humans with complete reliability for that matter.
> I know something of machine learning myself, although I am not an
> expert. In principle it can learn anything, in practice, there are
> many problems and if you have *any* other way to do something, you're
> normally better off.
> Vandalism/spam is a difficult enough problem that *any* method should
> be investigated and if it is found to be effective, applied, not
> simply technological ones. But we need to stick to proportionality- we
> should never use a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
> Jarlaxle is only 19; as I understand it the human brain does not fully
> mature until maybe 25. Unless he's actually mentally ill (which is by
> no means inconceivable) he is likely to stop of his own accord at some
> point.

You are treading on dangerous and uncertain ground here, Ian: the difference
between mental health and emotional health. I am not suggesting that the guy
be dragged off in chains to somewhere. But a strong, in-person message -
both to him AND his parents - from an authority spelling out the
consequences if he does not stop could go a long way towards resolving this.

Marc Riddell

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