2009/8/27 David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com>:
> 2009/8/27 Apoc 2400 <apoc2...@gmail.com>:
>> There is also the new full-flagged-protection where instead of using
>> {{editprotected}} you can edit the draft and wait for an admin to flag. I
>> don't know if this will actually be used very often, since it doesn't really
>> stop edit wars.
> I think it'll remove a lot of the reward for aggressive stupidity not
> having the stupidity show up on the live site in real time.

The standard rule is that even admins aren't supposed to edit
protected pages. They are meant to stay as they are while people
discuss. I don't see the benefit to full-flagged protection over full
regular protection. It might be useful for things like widely used
templates that aren't protected due to edit wars, but that's about it.

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