On Wed, 16 Mar 2011, George Herbert wrote:
> Someone organizing an off-wiki organized group intended to push
> on-wiki bias one way or the other is an unfair advantage for their
> viewpoint and biases.

*If* someone was organizing a group to push bias, they'd have an unfair
advantage against others without such a group.  But is that what they're

Or are you just assuming "they say they're trying to stop bias, but they
*must* really be trying to push bias, because they're too organized, and
their opinions show they're evil, and besides, Wikipedia has no bias
anyway"?  The Kochs are one of the biggest left-wing targets around.  (So
is Israel.)  They have plenty of reason to be legitimately concerned with
bias against them.  If someone claims to be stopping bias, saying "they're
here to create it instead" is blatantly non-AGF unless you have some reason
for that belief other than "they can't really mean it".

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