On 28/03/2011, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28 March 2011 20:15, Carcharoth <carcharot...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> My other theory is that writing stand-alone articles is not a good
>> thing in the long-run. Articles should be created if there is a demand
>> for the articles from people *other* than those creating the articles.
>> In other words, enough *independent* and reasonable mentions/links in
>> other Wikipedia articles.
>> This prevents Wikipedia from disappearing up the fundament of its own
>> obscurity. i.e. Create articles that will be found by people arriving
>> from other articles, not obscure standalone articles that don't help
>> fill in redlinks elsewhere on Wikipedia.

> I think this risks damaging our long tail, which is actually a killer
> feature of en:wp.

Long tail is good, I like long tails, but when the tail gets atom-thick?

Some articles I've seen only get page hits from the random feature.

There needs to be a cut-off and the word we're looking for is 'merge'.

> - d.

-Ian Woollard

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