On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 01:14:15AM +0200, Ynhockey wrote:
> Having said all of the above however, the question we should ask is whether
> there is no better of the extraordinary effort requires by all of our
> volunteers to organize this competition. I'm sure that for some countries
> the answer is yes, there are better ways to spend this time. However, the
> answer is rarely clear-cut and each country needs to consider all the
> options.
Just a quick reply on this remark, I think you can say that the Netherlands
will become a bit more exhausted regarding WLM, however as being 'the country
that started it all', I think we should keep participating if only to
implicitely support the other countries by having a lot of countries
participate. Although indeed most organisations will be focussed national,
being part of something big worldwide will certainly help there.

And if you have the lists already, the organisation is much easier.



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