On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Steven Walling
<steven.wall...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Following up on this...
> The Editor Engagement Experiments team had the first one of these with Erik
> and Sue last Tuesday (the 15th). Tilman was there to take notes, and I
> published our slide deck, so there is a transcript and PDF to review for
> those interested at:
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Metrics_and_activities_meetings/Quarterly_reviews/Editor_engagement_experiments
> Erik will likely share some notes soon on how he and Sue want to rejigger
> the meeting structure based on this first try. Overall it was helpful for
> all parties, but obviously in a meeting this long and covering this kind of
> material, adjustments can and should be made.
> Steven

Thanks for posting this! I read this with interest; I hope the
quarterly review structure works well for everyone.  Thanks for
posting these notes publicly; it reminds me of what a cool
organization we are.

Also, I hadn't seen the onboarding screen yet (haven't created an
account in a while I guess)... that is pretty spiffy. Nice work!

-- phoebe

* I use this address for lists; send personal messages to phoebe.ayers
<at> gmail.com *

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