Victor Grigas, 10/04/2013 19:22:
I keep the raw, unpolished interviews
on pages on the password protected: knowing that they are
available only to myself and staff at the WMF.

What about a limited set of trusted wikimedians?

I use that raw material to
release polished works like this: . During the course of an
interview, people sometimes say things that when reviewed later, they wish
they hadn't. Out of respect and decency for those interviewed, [...]

Privacy is very important, and I have to take it seriously. [...]

All very right, just highlighting two passages to complement the question above: respect and decency are not the same as privacy; would this material be something that requires everyone with access to it signing a NDA, or being a PII-handling designated officer (or whatever the English name for the thing under EU laws)?


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