On 28 April 2014 01:37, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Risker, 28/04/2014 05:22:
>  There is an actual cost to the WMDE to carry out this
>> assessment
> With which you've replied to your own questions on why WMDE. Thanks
> generous WMDE for the gift.

Is it a gift, or is it payment in advance for a favourable response next

To be clear, I don't think that WMDE has any such expectations.  On the
other hand, this is why it is a conflict of interest for WMDE to be asked
to do the review.

> Gergo Tisza, 28/04/2014 04:04:
> > So apparently it is less of a conflict of interest for WMF departments
> to be
> > evaluated for funding by their colleagues in the other side of the same
> room
> > than by WMDE? This is really getting ridiculous.
> +1
> Risker, can you please check that your views of what makes a COI fit in <
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Guidelines_on_potential_
> conflicts_of_interest> and propose your view on talk page if not?

See above.

> Risker, 28/04/2014 04:40:
> > Their opinion
> > is equivalent to yours, or mine, or any other person's on this mailing
> list.
> Fantastic. Then, if you're interested in providing opinions, please do so;
> you've not yet expressed a single opinion, hence I don't see why you worry
> about the value which is going to be attached to it.
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Grants_talk:
> APG/Proposals/2013-2014_round2/Wikimedia_Foundation/
> Proposal_form&action=edit&section=new

Well, given that my assessment is essentially that it shows poor judgment
on everyone's part for this to be where it is and going through the process
that it's going through, I'm not sure there's much else for me to say.  I
focused my time today on reading other proposals that are appropriately
within the FDC scope.

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