On 21 August 2014 05:31, Strainu <strain...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2014-08-21 9:30 GMT+03:00 Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemow...@gmail.com>:
> It would *seem* that every user
> > converted to the mobile site is a step towards extinction of the wiki.
> That is an excellent point Frederico. In addition to the inherent
> difficulties of editing on small screen, especially large articles and
> the "we know better approach" discussed in detail in the last weeks,
> there is also the problem of navigating between articles - the mobile
> website arbitrarily skips some elements visible on desktop, such as
> navboxes and significantly alter some infoboxes because "it doesn't
> look good". This makes it difficult to just browse the Wikipedia (thus
> finding mistakes that you might want to correct) and encourages
> searching for the information, which means going right on target
> Hopefully the future announced at Wikimania, "no more mobile team, but
> mobile in every team" will solve some of these problems. It's just a
> matter of when will this future be.

Well, now.  Here's a classic example of what is sometimes called a "first
world problem".  I know that, even on desktops, the more infoboxes and
navboxes and succession boxes on an article (regardless of article length),
the longer it takes to load.  On a slower desktop collection, some really
large, complex articles sometimes time out.

I went to look at some of those same articles using my smartphone with the
"desktop" option turned on.  Many of them timed out without fully loading;
others took several minutes. There was a very, very noticeable difference
in load time between the mobile view and the desktop view.  And that was in
North America with fast, very good connection on an up-to-date phone. Many
of our editors and readers don't have this kind of infrastructure available
to them.

So - we know there is a definite cost to having all these "navigation aids"
in articles.  We need to justify their use, instead of simply adding them
by reflex.  So here is where analytics teams can really be useful:  tell us
whether or not these navboxes are actually being used to go to other
articles.  If they're widely used to leap to the next article, then we need
to find ways to make them more efficient so that they're suitable for
mobile devices.  If they're hardly ever being used, we need to reconsider
their existence. Perhaps this becomes some sort of "meta data" tab from
articles.  The current format isn't sustainable, though.

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