The article is about the Republic of Tatarstan government portal and its subdomains now being available under Creative 
Commons Attribution 4.0 International, just like a number of others throughout 
the countryСписок_сайтов_со_свободным_использованием_материалов

It's probably the first time regional government website in the Russian 
Federation quoted Russian Wikinews articleГлавные_сайты_Татарстана_перешли_на_свободную_лицензию
 ― the part about local seminar initiative to be dedicated to Education, GLAM 
etc. was left out, but their press-service made the day of Russian Wikinews 
community by also being attentive to proper attribution. 

Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин Тел.+79274158066 / 
skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan

29.08.2018, 20:56, "Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin" <>:
> Dear colleagues,
> Since yesterday all subdomains hosted @ (including 
> websites of the, the Cabinet 
>, ministries/departments, state-owned organizations, 
> municipalities and Representative offices of the Republic around Russia and 
> abroad) moved to Creative Commons Attribution. The only exceptions are those 
> of the First (ex-) President & the Parliament, that already had their own 
> unique type free licenses (in Russian, non-standard).
> Russian Wikinews requested me to draft an article & my counterparty at the 
> Regional Ministry of InfoComm has gladly approved. I will probably need to 
> find time for that today. That was the easy part. Some context: Russian 
> President, Executive Branch of the Federal Government, both Chambers of the 
> Federal Parliament, etc. are using Creative Commons Attribution for a while 
> now, thanks to Senior Volunteers efforts of Wikimedia Russia members. I just 
> communicated the benefits of this to the Regional (Republic of Tatarstan) 
> Deputy Prime-Minister, head 
> of the regional infocomm department & he championed it far and wide within 
> his area of responsibility.
> I started engaging high-school & university students into helping the 
> Infocomm ministry people to learn what is Wikimedia like & how it works - 
> Deputy Prime-Minister is interested in anything that can benefit Education, 
> Heritage Outreach, etc. development in the region & help in making culture of 
> the Republic better known globally & promote Tatar language use online 
> (Wikidata, GLAM, etc.). Another minister I met is excited with examples of 
> Greek school children 
>  & youth in Italy 
> & 
> other places develop critical thinking and develop immunity to mass & social 
> media stories painting the world black & white as they please (stories from 
> any outlets, including the BBC or New York Times, have to be taken with a 
> pinch of salt - there's no unbiased human). In parallel, we are starting a 
> cooperation with private Cambridge International school in Kazan 
> (the founders & the director know me, invited me 
> for cooperation, key contact person was part of the meeting, I provided 
> necessary initial links). I know that our youth is now inspired to organize a 
> User Group, report on their Spring & Summer efforts at Wikimedia Conference 
> Russia this September & take their existing Selet WikiSchool project even 
> higher. 
> , more stories coming.
> Last night WMF Partnerships agreed to support me in organizing a 
> videoconference type seminar with best practices in Education/GLAM/Heritage 
> promotion/Wikidata/etc. to explain locals about how great is the Wikimedia 
> movement (something mainly unheard of in Russia, even though Wikipedia is 
> actually used). I would love to have you, my dear international colleagues, 
> to find time to connect and give a video talk on some Use Case implementation 
> during the upcoming public seminar, organized in conjunction with Tatarstan 
> InfoComm ministry (whenever we get the dates they will be able to gather 
> local crowd in the IT-Park in downtown Kazan). I will take care of the 
> simultaneous interpretation — all the necessary equipment is there, so I'll 
> try to find the funding & qualified people.
> In parallel I'll continue working on organizing a short in-person version at 
> WMF Headquarters for the President of the Republic, if and when we can fit it 
> into his schedule (Tatarstan Deputy Prime-Minister - Regional Minister for 
> InfoComm wanted this to take place during one of the annual regional 
> government delegation visits to California). President Minnikhanov is a 
> co-chair of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia, as well as 
> Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group, so I think we can use Jimmy's 
> well-timed pass to score well: spreading Wikimedia movement popularity 
> throughout Russia and the Islamic world even further, helping in unblocking 
> Turkey in the process.
> "Imagine the world in which every human is a Wikimedian. That's my 
> commitment!"
> regards,
> farhad
> --
> Farkhad Fatkullin - Фархад Фаткуллин Тел.+79274158066 / 
> skype:frhdkazan / Wikipedia:frhdkazan
> 09.08.2018, 09:09, "Pine W" <>:
>>  Hi Farhad,
>>  Thank you for your generosity with your time as you respond to the requests
>>  and new opportunities.
>>  I like Andy's suggestions. Wikimedia Armenia crossed my mind also as
>>  potentially a good organization to contact for ideas, because I have the
>>  impression that they have a good (but not excessively close) relationship
>>  with their national government, and because they have a very successful
>>  Wikipedia Education Program.
>>  Although there seem to be many opportunities for you in the short term, my
>>  guess is that you will be unable to take advantage of all of them, and that
>>  some that you try will be more successful than others. That is all okay.
>>  Please avoid burning yourself out. Hopefully you can work at a pace that is
>>  reasonable for you and will lead to long-term successes. Also, hopefully
>>  you can find people who want to help you, and have the time and the skills
>>  to do so. You might try to contact people that you have met on-wiki who
>>  could help you as you consider the opportunities and how you would like to
>>  move forward. I have the impression that you already know many Wikimedians
>>  who work on Russian Wikipedia, so hopefully you can get some help from them.
>>  If you could share occasional updates about your progress, maybe by sending
>>  an email to Wikimedia-l with once per quarter, I think that at least a few
>>  people would be interested to read what you share.
>>  Good luck,
>>  Pine
>>  ( )
>>  On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 8:55 PM, Фархад Фаткуллин / Farkhad Fatkullin <
>>> wrote:
>>>   Dear colleagues,
>>>   This is a request for your input and possible ideas (if any) regarding my
>>>   management of the fallout from Jimmy's announcing myself as a 2018
>>>   Wikimedian of the Year.
>>>   Emails below are a copy of my ongoing consultations with Wikimedia
>>>   Foundation staff and other Wikimedians I personally know, as well as a
>>>   report on what's already brewing in my region of Russia after this
>>>   unexpected outcome.
>>>   I would be grateful, if you can advise me on how to properly steer the
>>>   enthusiasm of behalf of regional government, mass-media, NGOs, etc. which
>>>   have just discovered about the possibility of participation in Wikimedia
>>>   movement (think anything from U.S. is not getting much in-depth coverage 
>>> in
>>>   Russian by sources that regional public figures, NGOs, teachers or general
>>>   regional journalists read) & are now placing great hopes on teaching whole
>>>   of Tatarstan about how to Wiki & also engaging all Tatars globally (3/4
>>>   outside of Tatarstan, 1/5 outside of Russia).
>>>   regards,
>>>   farhad
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